If you are viewing the Document Center record of a patient who has consent forms in Treatment Planner, the "Treatment Planner Consent Forms" document type folder appears in the document tree. In Document Center, a patient and/or provider can sign a consent form.
To sign a consent form
In Document Center, do one of the following:
a consent form in the document
tree, and then click the Modify Document
button on the Document
Select a consent form in the document tree, expand the Edit menu, and then click Modify Document (the graphic next to the menu option is not highlighted to indicate that the consent form is in view mode).
If applicable, do one of the following:
If the Password - Document Center Viewer, Open dialog box appears, user verification has been assigned to the "Document Center Viewer, Open" task. Do one of the following:
If your user account has been granted the "Document Center Viewer, Open" security right, enter your credentials in the User ID and Password boxes, and then click OK.
If your user account has not been granted the "Document Center Viewer, Open" security right, have a user with permission temporarily override this restriction so you can sign the consent form. The overriding user enters his or her credentials in the User ID and Password boxes and then clicks OK.
If a message appears, informing you that you do not have rights to this operation, your user account has not been granted the "Document Center Viewer, Open" security right. To have a user with permission temporarily override this restriction so you can sign the consent form, do the following:
On the message, click Yes.
In the Password - Document Center Viewer, Open dialog box, the overriding user enters his or her credentials in the User ID and Password boxes and then clicks OK.
The Modify Document
button becomes active ,
and the Modify Document option
on the Edit menu becomes active
(the graphic next to it is highlighted) to indicate that the consent form
is in edit mode.
Also, the boxes on the selected consent form become available.
Note: Both parties do not have to sign on the same date.
Add the following signatures:
Patient/Representative signature - Do the following:
The patient selected in Document Center is entered in the Name box unless it has been changed previously. If necessary, edit the Name.
The Relationship to patient has "Self" entered by default unless it has been changed. If necessary, edit the Relationship to patient. For example, you can type "Spouse" or "Parent" if the person signing the form is the patient's spouse or parent, respectively.
Have the patient or patient's representative sign in the signature box using a mouse or other supported device.
If the patient needs to re-sign, click the Clear button. This button is not available if a patient/representative signature has not been added yet or if the consent form is saved with a patient/representative signature (even the slightest mark registers as a signature).
The current date automatically appears in the Date box until the consent form is saved with a patient/representative signature; then, the date that the consent form was signed appears. You cannot change this date.
Once the consent form is saved with a patient/representative signature, you cannot change the signature, name, and relationship.
Practice signature - Do the following:
If the provider (primary or secondary) who will sign the form is not already entered in the Name box, do one of the following:
Enter the name of the correct provider in the box.
To select the correct provider, do the following:
Click the Name
search button .
The Select Provider dialog box appears.
Under Search By, select one of the following options:
This Clinic - To search for a provider or staff member in the clinic that you are currently logged in to.
All Clinics - To search for a provider or staff member in all clinics
My Clinics - To search for a provider or staff member in the clinics to which you have been granted the "My Clinics, Select Provider " security right.
Select one if the following options:
All Providers - To include only providers and staff members who are associated with clinics (and who have a Log On User ID).
In ApptBook - To include providers who have been set up in Appointment Book in addition to providers and staff members who are associated with clinics.
Do one of the following:
To get a list of all applicable providers and staff members, leave the ID and Last Name boxes empty.
To search for a provider or staff member by ID, enter all or part of a user's ID in the ID box.
To search for a provider or staff member by last name, enter all or part of a user's last name in the Last Name box.
the search button .
The matching providers and staff members appear in the list.
Do one of the following:
Double-click the correct provider or staff member.
Select the correct provider or staff member, and then click OK.
Sign in the signature box using a mouse or other supported device.
If you need to re-sign, click the Clear button. This button is not available if a practice signature has not been added yet or if the consent form is saved with a practice signature (even the slightest mark registers as a signature).
The current date automatically appears in the Date box until the consent form is saved with the practice signature; then, the date that the consent form was signed appears. You cannot change this date.
Once the consent form is saved with a practice signature, you cannot change the signature and name.
save the signatures, click the Modify
Document button on
the Document toolbar.
The Modify Document toolbar disappears, the Modify Document button
on the Document toolbar becomes inactive, and the Modify
Document option on the Edit
menu becomes inactive (the graphic next to it is not highlighted) to indicate
that the consent form is in view mode.